Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)
What is the Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)?
From 2015 all early years settings and child-minders are able to claim extra funding through the EYPP to support children’s development, learning and care. The EYPP provides up to an extra £302.10 per year for eligible three and four year olds. The extra money is to support children of families in receipt of certain benefits, those in the care of the Local authority and any child who was made subject to a special guardianship or child arrangement order. The additional money could make significant difference to the progress that children make.
We can choose to use the extra funding in whatever way will best improve the quality of early year’s education that we provide for your child. This could include special resources, visits, interventions or additional specialist help.
It is recognised that high quality early education can influence how well a child does in primary and secondary school, so we want to make the most of this additional funding.
We will use the Early Years Outcomes to help us identify where a child may need additional support and consider additional resources, interventions, visits and training accordingly. We closely monitor the impact of the funding for each child and ensure that all staff help children eligible for EYPP to make rapid progress. The Headteacher reports children’s progress to the Governors on a termly basis and children who are eligible for EYPP are one of the groups that they report on. The Governing Board ensure that there is an annual statement produced which shows how we have used the money to diminish the difference between children eligible for EYPP and those that are not. This report is published on our website.
We are very keen to access EYPP funding so that we are providing the very best start for all our children. All families will be asked to fill in a funding declaration form which is given out when your child joins us; this enables us to claim the funding for all eligible children. Eligibility is checked simply using a parent/carers National Insurance number.
EYPP Reports
Our 2045-2025 Report is located below.