Indoor/Outdoor Play - "Free-Flow"
The School operates a "free-flow" between the inside areas and the outside garden. Children can choose where they wish to develop their learning, inside or out.
The garden is therefore an integral part of our planned curriculum. As far as possible it is available throughout the day, in most weathers, with adults joining the children in their play.
The children are free to choose where they will concentrate their play and learning, be this inside or outside.
There are corners and changing levels to manoeuvre, when running, riding a wheeled toy or pushing a truck.There are places to crawl and hide, slopes and equipment to climb, stretching the body and triggering the imagination. Running, swerving, controlling speed and direction can be perfected, and used in developing physical skills and games.
Natural phenomena can be explored and experienced, mathematical ideas are developed and tested. Art and literacy experiences can take place on a larger, more dramatic scale. Imaginative play and Music opportunities are expanded.
The garden is a place for friendships to be explored, conflicts to flare and be resolved. The children learn the value of cooperation in a larger environment. The children can use their voices on a grander scale.
We have an established Forest School programme, with groups going off-site, and an on-site version for some children.